Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hi again, Cosee here!  A bit of a side post this evening! Tomorrow , Oct 10th is Unity Day, a continuing part of anti-bullying month. The most excellent school Lincolnton High School is now a Project Unify School and so they are celebrating everyone's differences as pluses........... join them all in wearing orange! I am hunting my orange now and will show you tomorrow what I have found. Take lots of pictures of the sea of orange, and post them so that I can steal them and make them part of history forever on this blog!! See you tomorrow!  Welcome to all new followers , including Boo-Boo Pop!!

1 comment:

  1. For some reason they changed my name to Boo Boo Pop when I tried to sign up ;) Got it fixed though. I know I'm wearing orange, and I'm excited to see how many people will participate!
