Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The beginning

I guess that everything has a start , a middle and an end. This is the beginning of my voyage,  but really it is the middle of the pre-voyage voyage. I have finished the application , been accepted and finished the classwork. What awaits me now is the initial symposium in DC where I will get further training and hundreds of questions will be answered as thousands more are generated. I look forward to this experience and have trepidations as well..... Laurissa says I am worthy. I will go with that at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. As with all technology, there are good and bad points. I am now posting as my APES nom de plume because apparently the blogger system does not recognize me; at least at the moment and rather than worry - I will punt for a bit. I am encouraging my students to sign in and follow the blog with the appropriate comments and words of encouragement. Things like : " Way to go Mrs B ; You got this Mrs B ; or you can do it! " will all be appreciated in moments of frustration. This is to be a learning experience for us all. I haven't introduced my travel companion yet. Cosee is a great traveler and will make the trip to DC with me. He has been all over the world and documented many a daring adventure.
